Monday, March 16, 2009

belly dancing barefoot sandals crochet pattern

Finished Size: One size fits all

200 yds any color you want to use in size 10 crochet cotton thread
16 assorted colored 8mm beads (match with the thread)
Beading or tapestry needles to thread beads
#5 steel hook (for toddlers)
D, E, and F hooks for larger sandals
#2 crochet hook for motif

Basic Stitches: Ch, sl st, sc, dc

making the Motif (sandal top) using #2 crochet hook
round 1: Ch 3,sl st in first ch to form ring, ch 3 (counts as first dc), 15 dc n ring, join with sl st in 3rd ch of beg ch-3. (16 dc)
round 2 : Ch 3, dc in same st, 2 dc in each st around, join with sl st in 3rd chain of beg ch - 3. ( 32 dc)
round 3 Ch (3 pull up bead) chain 2 ( counts as first hdc and ch 2), sk next st, [pull up bead as you hdc in next st,ch 2, sk next st] around, join with sl st in 2nd ch of beg ch-4. (16 hdc, 16ch-sps, 16 beads)
round 4 : Ch 3, 2dc in ch -2 space, 3 dc in each ch -2 sp around, join with sl st in 3rd ch of beg ch -3. ( 48dc)

Ankle Strap:

For ring, join with sc in space between shells on row 10. Ch 20, sc in 16th ch from hook (The easy way to know that you have counted right is to see if you hve four chains from the bottom.), sc in last 4 chains, sl st in top of joining sc. Fasten off!

Toe Ring:

For ring... ch 10, slip chain through ch 4 ring made on row 1 of top. Join with sl st in first sc. Fasten off.

Ankle Bracelet:

Ch 150 and fasten off. Slip through ankle ring at top.